Water Owl's Movements

A mom and writer with a movement disorder, a CCI service dog, a daughter and a son


Posted by thida on October 19, 2005

We had company over which was lovely. My friends had a nice lunch in my garden while the CCS social worker did her session with Little T inside. She showed me why Little T will pull up in certain places, but not others. It made perfect sense when she explained it, but I’d have to think about on my own. I don’t think very well spatially.

I wrote 500 words today up to 15,325. I’m totally obssessed with my non-fiction book. But after having a good talk with Jenny last night, I know I’m in a down phase. I really hate spraining my ankle. Bad stuff from my childhood. I feel it’s a moral failing. I’m literally and figuratively lame. It’s okay to be disabled as long as I’m not limping around. It’s okay to be disabled as long it’s partially hidden. It’s worse and better that my ankles are hyperflexible because of my disability. At least I know it’s not just because I’m a total klutz.

I hate having to literally have to count each step I make. I started to tell her it was the writing that was killing me. Guilt about that coming out. But actually I was feeling pretty good before I sprained my ankle. I was getting stray projects done like getting rid of books. As she kept telling me, I was getting my groove back. It’s hard to groove when you’re lame.

But after I said some stuff that out loud to her and blogging more stuff here, I feel a bit more free. I don’t want to pass on this crud on to Little T. I sprain my ankle about once a year. Last year I was 8 months pregnant with Little T, so it’s a lot easier this time around. Maybe this time I’ll do my exercises better or something and I’ll avoid it for longer. But I just have to face up to the fact that at least for the foreseeable future, it’s part of who I am. It’s part of the me that jerks. It’s part of me that can’t drive on the highway. I just do the best I can with the body I’ve got.

Special K seems largely unaffected by my lameness. She can now dress herself, get her own food, go to the bathroom, and play. She does need some help, but it’s not like last year where she was frustrated and hobbled by my injury. Little T is too young to care. He just wants to be picked up. But I’m asking for more help this time. Next year will be better too. Little T will be able to do more. Special K too. I’m not sure what it is about this time of year that causes ankle sprains. I’ll have to think about that. Got any ideas?

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